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Art of Happiness at Work

Today we are working in a drastically different work environment. We are being asked to deliver more in less time and with fewer resources. It is therefore not uncommon for people to express feelings of being overwhelmed, anxious, and stressed. When employees experience anyone of these conditions over a long period of time it impacts their motivation, creativity, resilience and ultimately productivity and performance. In fact, it can create a negative and heavy work environment.

Research shows when employees are happier they are:

healthier and more resilient in the face of adversity

more productive

more creative

more responsive to new possibilities and change

provide better customer service

more satisfied with their jobs

Happiness is a learned skill and therefore can be taught, developed, and most importantly measured. Our objective is to provide participants with integral information and techniques to help them to deal with stress, tension, adversity, frustration, and setbacks. During the program, we share concepts such as:

how our mind influences our reality

“priming” our work environment

how to cope and build resilience

setting self-concordant goals

importance of work orientation

overcoming stress

Each concept and module in the Art of Happiness at Work is psychology based and research proven. We believe this important to help organizations understand that an investment in happiness is an investment in reducing absenteeism and health costs, reducing turnover, and increasing employee morale and productivity.

We encourage you to contact us to understand in greater detail how cultivating happiness in your organization can make a real difference.

You may also want to review our Happiness & Work Life and FAQs pages.

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