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How To Be Happy and Have Fun Changing The World


True and lasting happiness always comes from within. This free e-book will introduce you to eight words that will help you increase your self-awareness and happiness. I am always truthful, positive and helping others. Try living by those values 100% of the time and notice how you will transform your level of happiness from the inside out.

You Can Choose To Be Happy: ‘Rise Above’ Anger, Anxiety and Depression


Did you know that happiness is a choice? In his book, Dr. Stevens says this is because you can choose beliefs, thoughts, and actions that will lead to happiness. He also tells you how, combining his personal quest that started when he was 16, with Maslow’s self-actualization ideas, and the knowledge gained during the past 40 years--first as a minister and then as a psychologist. This self-help book on happiness provides a well-structured way to find personal happiness.

Michael Fordyce’s On-line Book and Booklet on Happiness


Dr. Fordyce is a pioneer in the field of human happiness research and theory. Browse his pages to find all his major writings, videos, and academic materials, which are available for free.

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